Rooms and food
Guests are lodged in individual rooms.
Breakfast, morning coffee, bread/fruit, lunch, afternoon coffee & cake
and 2-course evening meal is included.
• Per person/day for up to 70 people in individual rooms
Day meeting
Bread/coffee, morning coffee bread/fruit, lunch,
afternoon coffee & cake is included.
• Per person (minimum 10 people)
Conference facilities
Hotel Kangerlussuaq’s conference centre includes:
• Plenum room 1, price per day (up to 70 people)
• Plenum room 2, price per day (up to 20 people)
• 3 group room, price per day (per room)
• Rent of LCD projector per day
• Photocopy per page
• Internet in conference rooms, per day
Drinks/beverages are not included in the conference packages.
Advance booking
TV, VCR, video camera, PC and final dinner must be booked in advance
no later than 2 weeks prior to arrival.
Prices apply from 1st January 2015 and hereby cancel all previous price lists.